Benefits of Washing the Face

Nowadays the pollution in the atmosphere is increasing. Many chemicals and dirt fly into the eyes and on the face. If the face and the eyes are not washed, they are at risk of becoming infected. A European doctor wrote a thesis called ‘Eye, water and Health’. In this thesis he encouraged people to wash their eyes many times in a day, otherwise you risk catching many dangerous illnesses. Very rarely do you get spots if you wash your face. ‘Beychar’ has stated a very interesting fact. She states, “Muslims do not need any type of chemical lotions as they wash their face many times in a day during Wuzu which safeguards it from many illnesses.” Experts say, “ The face should be washed over and over again to save it from allergies.”

Al-Hamdu-Lillah عزوجل! This is only possible during Wuzu. Al-Hamdu-Lillah عزوجل the face is massaged when performing Wuzu, the blood circulates around the face and the dirt is removed from the face and it becomes more beautiful.

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